Wednesday, May 27, 2009

ATA and TMNT Video on Wall Street Journal

Check out this video from last month's tour kick off at Tribeca.

(video will play after 15sec commercial)

Downtown New York is totally tubular, dudes! On April 24, the Tribeca Film Festival held a celebration marking the 25th anniversary of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Video Courtes

Michelangelo Visit's ATA in Champaign, IL

Greetings from Champaign, Illinois home of Newberry's ATA Black Belt Academy, where we have just experienced a radical TMNT 25th Anniversary Shell-e-bration . We had over 520 students, family members, friends and future students at our school to Shell-e-brate. We started the night off with an introduction to martial arts class where Michaelangelo made a special appearance and broke a board with a 360 degree spinning knifehand strike, COWABUNGA Dude!!

He was so kind take photos with our students and guests including a little boy with leukemia who was so excited to meet his hero. He said he is tough like the turtles when he goes in for his treatments.

Dominos pizza was there and served over 800 pieces of pizza... YES 800!!. The atmosphere was electrifying as we had a Dj playing a mix of his favorite turtle songs while people toured the bus, learned how to break a board, and talked about their favorite TMNT movie. The night was a huge success!!

Master Tina Newberry
ATA Champaign, IL

Chicago was Awesome!

Wow!! We had a great time in the "Windy City" Navy Pier was a great place for the Turtles and the ATA meet fans! We gave away thousands of TMNT Buttons this weekend and it seemed like everywhere we went in the city they were being proudly displayed by fans of all ages. A big THANK YOU to all of the Instructors and students who attended and performed exciting demos for the crowds. The Team from Kalamazoo Michigan drove over 100 miles and brought a group of over 50 students and their families to meet Mikey and Leo!

-Mr. Jason Morgan

More Pictures from Chicago can be found on our Flickr Photo Album &

Zoom in on the bottom picture and
see if you can see Mr. Burns floating in air!?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Navy Pier Day 2

What a weekend!! The crowds have been great here at Navy Pier. The Chicago area ATA schools sure know how to put on a good show...

Mr. Morgan & Mr. Burns Posing with a True TMNT FAN who came dressed as the evil Shredder himself. (Yes this was a fan not part of the crew....pretty cool!!)